Vaga Host Features

We offer a lot of great features that you can access if you buy hosting from us.


We are constantly working on providing you with the best services. The uptime of our servers obviously plays an important role in that. We are constantly trying to improve our uptime and currently are at an amazing 99.957%*


Your security comes in as one of our first priorities. By choosing us you can sit back and relax with no worries about your data being breached. This is possible because we are constantly working on the security of our users.

Customer Support

We have 24/7 customer support of trained professionals ready to help you anytime. Weather it be a techinal issue or a small question, we have got you covered.


We have servers all across the globe and you can choose where you would like yours located. Weather it be USA, Tokyo, Germany, Finland, Mumbai or any other location, we have got you covered, always.


Despite the fact that we have amazing uptime and really cheap prices we NEVER have and never will compromise on your servers performance. By choosing us you are most certainly guranteed to have a server with dazzling performance and uptime.

Lag free

We know that lag and be extremely annoying, both for you and your users. Thats why we have worked day and night on improving our servers only so you can enjoy lag-free servers with no compromises.

Our Best Pricing

We offer the best prices on the market that no one can compete with.

Small plan

$ 0.99

Enjoy All The Features

  • 1 GB RAM
  • 2 GB Storage
  • 40% CPU
  • All features
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Regular plan

$ 2.49

Enjoy All The Features

  • 3 GB RAM
  • 6 GB Storage
  • 80% CPU
  • All features
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Small plan

$ 2.99

Enjoy All The Features

  • 5 GB RAM
  • 8 GB Storage
  • 100% CPU
  • All features
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Why Choose Us?

Vaga Host is the best hosting

Free upgrade

If you're not satisfied with the server you currently have you can upgrade to a better one free of charge!

Unlimited BandWidth

With our hosting you will never have to worry about bandwidth issues again.


Despite the great performance we offer on our servers we will never make compromises when it comes to security.

99% Uptime

You won't find servers with uptime like ours anywhere else.

User-friendly interface

Both our panel and dashboard are designed to be user friendly. You're clicks away from deploying your project at any time!

24/7 Tech Support

We offer 24/7 support for any issues you might have when using our services.

Customers Say

Our satisfied customers say

We have served many customers who have shown good response to our services.


How it works

Next gen hosting

We offer the best hosting you will find in the market. With the latest hardware and software, the servers we run are always in top tier quality.

Weather it be security, performance, uptime, or pricing, we've always got your back.

Performant hosting

We have the best performance that you could ever ask for. Our servers will never lag to ensure a great experience for you and your users!

Our servers are regularly maintained to ensure the best performance for you.

Secure hosting

Security is important, and we understand that. That's why we never compromise on security.

Our servers are regularly checked to make sure that they are up-to-date with the latest security patches.